Abdelrahman Abdelazim, President

General Assembly Third Committee

Lara Abouelazm, Chair

The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, or the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM), focuses on issues dealing with fundamental human rights in the international community. SOCHUM was founded in 1945 in reaction to the establishment of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. This year's theme for HIAMUN is perceptions. Perceptions play a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the world, as they are the lens through which we interpret and interact with our surroundings. Examining perceptions allows us to explore how different individuals, communities, and nations perceive global issues, conflicts, and challenges differently.

For this year’s conference, my esteemed chair, Lara Abouelazm, and I have selected three of the most prominent issues that we felt are not only severely affecting the world but are current and ongoing issues. As our first topic, we will be “Safeguarding the Human Rights of People Displaced by Natural Disasters. ” It is a grave concern as countless individuals face displacement due to devastating natural calamities. Ensuring their fundamental rights, such as access to shelter, healthcare, and education, becomes crucial during these challenging times. As for the second topic, we will be “Finding active measures to limit xenophobia.” Despite the progress made in promoting inclusivity and diversity, xenophobia continues to plague societies. It is imperative that we establish effective strategies to combat discrimination and prejudice, fostering an environment where every individual is valued and respected regardless of their background or origin. And for our last topic, “The question of repatriation of arts and cultural artifacts in a post-colonial age to their countries of origin.” In the aftermath of colonialism, numerous cultural treasures were displaced or taken away from their rightful homes. It is time we address this matter and establish a framework that ensures the return of these artifacts to their rightful origin, thereby honoring their cultural heritage and promoting reconciliation.

Lara and I are genuinely excited to witness your passion and engagement during the debates that lie ahead. Together, we can strive to find comprehensive solutions to these prominent issues. 

See you soon:) 

Abdelrahman Abdelazim, President of the General Assembly Third Committee


1. Safeguarding the Human Rights of People Displaced by Natural Disasters.

2. Finding active measures to limit xenophobia.

3. The question of repatriation of arts and cultural artifacts in a post-colonial age to their countries of origin.