By Tia Mokhtar

HIAMUN is an annual conference that has been in session since 2011, which hosts schools all over Cairo; giving students the chance to make new experiences and help develop their debating skills. We asked some of HIAMUN’s participants what they’re looking forward to the most in this year’s conference.

Ameera El Samra from Hayah eagerly awaits HIAMUN which she has taken part in for the past three years. She tells us that she is “very excited and enthusiastic about this year’s HIAMUN, since I’m in my favorite forum, and I’m very excited for the intense debates on each of our topics. Since I have two HIAMUNs left, I’ll be going all out in my forum, and I’m very excited to meet many new delegates that will make my HIAMUN experience 100 times better. HIAMUN is one of the events I look forward to every year, and prepare for 4 months earlier. This HIAMUN will definitely be a memorable experience and full of amazing debates, I can’t wait!” 

Seif El Minawi from AIS West has been an active participant in the past two HIAMUN conferences, this year he looks forward to the intense debates and ‘great food’. “For this year’s HIAMUN conference, I am looking for some intense debate. As you know, MUN has many aspects to it, but for me what gets me excited is debating. HIAMUN has always had a strong level of debate, hopefully that level gets even higher. I truly want all the delegates with me in the forum to participate because that makes the experience more intense and honestly more fun. It also produces better resolutions and results, which in turn positively reflect on me and on the council. So please, I urge all delegates reading this; be prepared because I’m coming in strong for HIAMUN ‘20 and so should you. And of course, as usual, I’m looking forward to the great food that HIAMUN offers!!”

Aya Darwish from Hayah has never attended HIAMUN before, she regards it as “a very new and exciting experience, seeing how successful all of the other HIAMUNs were, in addition to how different they were from other MUN conferences. I’m also looking forward to meet new delegates and interact with new people.”

Ali Abdelbaki, another student from AIS West, is attending HIAMUN this year for the third time. He excitedly anticipates this year’s conference. “As usual, I am overexcited about HIAMUN as I usually am every year. Just something about the conference makes one feel at home; it’s the atmosphere created by the dedicated organizers that gives us delegates and guest chairs that warm feeling of being a part of something more than just an MUN conference. Over the years, I have formed traditions at HIAMUN and made many new friends I am proud to call family today. Most importantly, the hard working OC and EC allow me to carry out my passion for this club by creating one of, if not, the best conferences of the year and I’m overjoyed to have the opportunity of joining this conference one more time to see many new faces to this culture and sadly, see some faces for the last time at any conference. It is with utmost excitement that I say delegates, delegates, delegates welcome back to another annual session of HIAMUN.”

Jana Salah from Hayah has attended one other HIAMUN conference, what she looks forward to the most is “seeing how all the different forums will incorporate the theme of Pangaea into the conference. I am also very excited to be subjected to a variety of diverse points of view and intellect by meeting new people.” 

Hamza Wareh from NIS is a previous winner of the best delegate award in HIAMUN. He looks forward to this year’s conference, as it will be his last. “Sadly, the next HIAMUN will be my final MUN as a student. Therefore, I have chosen that I should put in the effort to reach the utmost potential an MUN could provide. I would like to remember this MUN not only as my final conference but also the one where I have left a remarkable impact on the people that I met, and hopefully, could become friends.”

AuthorHayah MUN